It's a Summer morning here at the compound.....
Birds singing, dogs barking, an occasional human calling.
Ahhh, a walk around the block, and the chance to catch up with
all of our friends and neighbors.....
Just across the street is our pal Ginger.
She's part pit bull, and a little loopy, but in a nice way.
Her yard is top notch, but for some reason she still has to jump fence,
so we regularly find her on our own turf.....chasing her tail.
Half way down, there's German Shepherd Jack,
a bit of a guard dog in every sense
but we LOVE to chat with him!
Woof, woof woof, Woof, WOOF!!!!!
(We're barking WITH him, not AT him)
I'm once again lunging on the leash and Lu Lu is doing
her little doggy pirouettes.....
Mom reins us in way too soon (OK Jack, we'll be BACK!) and off we go.
Further, there are the Bearded Collie twins, who race us full speed
down the length of their yard.....Great cardio!
Good thing there's a fence, or we'd be tumbling with those two.
They say a strong fence makes good neighbors.....
(Who's THEY.....have we met them? they live on our block??)
Then, there's Winston and Petey, who regularly wander the street
and patrol their quad looking for fun.
Good time party guys......You know the type.
Lots of smiles and happy times there!
Heading back the home stretch, Lucy has to stop off and sniff her boyfriend Guinness.
Guinny is a real nice Husky guy, a sweet talker and Lucy LOVES him!
(She's never sniffed MY tail that way)
He lives in the perfect Cape Cod Cottage with a white picket fence
and lots of flowers which he regularly digs up.....
He has a huge corner yard with a great view, and he knows all the dogs in town.
He's totally eligible, worldly and smart......
All the girl dogs are crazy about him (a few boys too).
Not that it matters to Lucy.....
We have to drag her butt away from that dude, and head for the Ranch.
She's doing barrel rolls in the grass every other foot.....Young Love!
Almost there, I happen to glance to my left, across the street and under the
Big Silver Truck.
Just on the chance......
Yep, there he sits, all fluffed up and pompous as a toad.
My favorite orange Fat Cat.
Just daring me...........
Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf..... Arfffff !!!!!
Mom does a quick leash flip and lands me on my head.
I guess I'm ready for a little nap now.
Hot Dog!
Wag more, Bark less.....
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